In a small turn-of-the-century town, Lady, a Cocker Spaniel puppy, is well taken care of by her owners. However, her world is turned upside down when they have a baby. Lady's life takes a chaotic turn when she is blamed for a mess caused by her owner's Siamese cats. She runs away and finds herself chased by dogs, but is saved by Tramp, a streetwise dog. Tramp helps Lady remove her muzzle and shows her a life of freedom. Lady feels a sense of responsibility and returns home, but is caught by a dogcatcher and taken to the pound. Eventually, Lady and Tramp work together to protect the baby from a rat and prove their loyalty. They are welcomed back into the family, and Lady and Tramp have puppies of their own.
100 Girls (2000) is a comedy movie about a college student named Matthew who becomes infatuated with a mystery girl he spends a night with in an elevator. Determined to find her, he goes on a quest to track down the 100 girls who live in his dormitory. Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about love, friendship, and self-discovery.
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