The Orville (2017) is set in the distant future where humanity has achieved a utopian society. The show follows the crew of the starship Orville as they navigate through space, encounter alien species, and tackle various humorous and satirical situations. The main protagonist, Captain Ed Mercer, leads his crew in exploring new planets, engaging in space battles, and dealing with social and cultural clashes. The show combines elements of adventure, comedy, drama, and fantasy to create an entertaining and thought-provoking viewing experience.
Follows the remaining crew of a spacecraft known as Ark One, who must become the best versions of themselves to stay on course and survive after experiencing a catastrophic event that caused massive destruction and loss of life.
Astronaut Mark Watney is left stranded on Mars after his crew mistakenly assumes he is dead. He must rely on his resourcefulness and scientific knowledge to signal Earth that he is alive and find a way to survive until rescue is possible.
Crusade is a sci-fi TV show set in the 23rd century, where an alien plague threatens humanity's existence. A female space captain leads a ragtag team on a starship to find a cure and combat the genocidal alien race. The show explores themes of survival, space exploration, and the end of humanity.
Starhunter is a sci-fi TV show set in the distant future. It follows a team of bounty hunters as they travel through outer space and encounter various threats. The plot revolves around their mission to capture criminals and uncover hidden agendas, while dealing with personal challenges and the search for a missing son. With a spaceship crew consisting of a team leader, spaceship engineer, and female security officer, they face dangers such as alien threats, genetic manipulation, and intergalactic missions.
When a research crew in deep space discovers the desolate ship "Green Planet" that warps into their area, they encounter Buzz, the commander and sole surivor of the ship. Being too incapacitated to make them aware of the situation of his ship, the research team will soon discover that they have found something far, far worse...
Dark Star is a comedic sci-fi film that follows the crew of the spaceship Dark Star as they navigate through deep space and encounter various humorous and bizarre situations. The crew members, who have been on the ship for a long time, battle boredom and have surreal experiences as they try to complete their mission of destroying unstable planets. With its satirical and irreverent tone, Dark Star is a unique blend of sci-fi and comedy that has gained a cult following.
The Impossible Voyage follows a group of adventurers as they embark on a perilous journey filled with disasters and calamities. From crashing trains to exploding spaceships, they must navigate extreme conditions and use their wits to survive. Based on the works of Jules Verne, this silent film takes viewers on an epic adventure through space and time.
Captain EO (1986) follows the story of a spaceship captain and his crew who crash-land on a strange planet and must use their musical talents to bring happiness and unity to the inhabitants.
Little Muppet Monsters is a short-lived Saturday morning live action/puppet television series, airing only three episodes on CBS in 1985. The first season of Muppet Babies did so well in the ratings, that CBS decided to expand the series from a half-hour to an hour, pairing Muppet Babies with Little Muppet Monsters. They called the hour-long package Muppets, Babies and Monsters.
A spaceship is lost near the forbidden planet of Inferno II. Some years later, a second ship with a crew of nine gets there and encounters a monster that rapidly makes mince meat of most of them. The sole survivor, Makuro Kitazato, must destroy the monster before it can surprise a third ship that is already en route.
Aelita, a Martian queen, falls in love with a Russian engineer who traveled to Mars. Meanwhile, on Earth, a group of revolutionaries plan to overthrow the government. The movie explores themes of class differences, political struggle, and space exploration.
Within the Rock follows a group of space miners who uncover a mysterious buried tomb inside a moon rock. Inside the tomb, they find an alien creature that is awakened and goes on a rampage. As the creature wreaks havoc on their spaceship, the crew must find a way to stop it before it reaches Earth and causes a catastrophic event. With time running out and the stakes high, they must use their skills and resourcefulness to save the world.
Odin centers around the novice crew of the laser sailing space schooner Starlight as they embark on an historic interstellar test flight. They are intercepted by what seems to be a wrecked spaceship only to find that it contains a lone survivor; a young woman named Sara Cyanbaker. Unknown to the crew at this time, a mechanized space fleet approaches Earth and a scout vessel from that fleet was responsible for the destruction of Sara's ship.
In 'Spaceship,' a spaceship crew is on a mission to explore an alien planet. They encounter killer aliens and must find a way to survive. This comedic sci-fi movie is filled with parodies and spoofs, making it an entertaining adventure.
The time is the 21st century, after the fall of the Galactic Republic. Technology is at a standstill, families have been dismantled, and those who have survived the destruction now live in a savage age ruled by evil warlords. When a young sister of an outlaw is kidnapped and held captive in another galaxy, an interplanetary scheme is hatched - one that threatens the future.
In the movie Ravager (1997), a group of survivors find themselves stranded on a desolate planet after their spaceship crash-lands. They soon discover that the planet is infested with a deadly bio-weapon that infects anyone it comes into contact with. As they fight to stay alive, they must also find a way to escape from the planet and prevent the infection from spreading.
In the movie Trapped in Space, a group of astronauts find themselves stuck on a spaceship after a space disaster. They must find a way to survive and escape while facing various challenges and dangers. As oxygen levels deplete and tensions rise, the crew must work together to overcome their dire circumstances. Will they be able to make it back to Earth alive?
Set in the "not-so-distant future", the crew of an international space station are set to return triumphantly to Earth, until someone starts killing the other crew members.
In the year 2035, a team of astronauts on a space expedition discovers a mysterious crystal on their spacecraft. As they investigate further, they encounter a deadly alien creature that begins hunting them down one by one. Trapped in space, the crew must find a way to survive and escape before they become the creature's next victims.