Gintama (2005) is a comedic sci-fi anime TV show set in an anachronistic Edo period Japan, where samurais fight space invasions and aliens. It follows the adventures of Gintoki Sakata and his odd jobs crew as they take on odd requests and face various comedic and action-packed situations.
In a dystopian future, humanity's last hope lies in the crew of the space battleship Yamato as they embark on a dangerous mission to save planet Earth from an alien race. With the fate of humanity at stake, the crew faces countless challenges and battles as they venture into outer space.
A squad of U.S. Marines must defend Los Angeles from an unknown enemy in a global invasion. As they become the last line of defense, they face intense gunfire and attacks from enemy soldiers. With the city under threat, the Marines are tasked with stopping the infestation of alien invaders and saving the remaining civilians. Through courageous acts of heroism and sacrifices, they fight to take back Los Angeles and protect their home.
When a rabbit they know is kidnapped and taken to the moon, Nobita and his friends embark on an adventure to rescue it. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and meet new friends, all while exploring the mysteries of the moon.
In the midst of the Cold War, a small town in California becomes the battleground for an intense alien invasion. As giant Martian tripods devastate the Earth, a determined scientist and a brave soldier join forces to fight back and save humanity from annihilation.
Coneheads is a comedy movie about an alien family, the Coneheads, who crash-land on Earth. They must assimilate into human society, all while avoiding capture by government agents who are determined to expose their true identities. As they navigate the challenges of fitting in and maintaining their extraterrestrial habits, hilarity ensues.
A space pirate seeks redemption and leads a rebellion against an alien empire.
In this comedy film, a police officer from Saint-Tropez finds himself facing an alien invasion. As he investigates the mysterious creatures from outer space, chaos ensues in the picturesque town. With the help of his fellow officers and some unusual allies, he must save the day and restore peace to Saint-Tropez.
A mentally unstable man kidnaps the CEO of a sinister corporation, believing him to be an alien that is planning to destroy the planet. As he interrogates the CEO and tortures him in various ways, the man's girlfriend and a police officer become entangled in the bizarre situation.
A young boy named David Gardner discovers that aliens are invading his small town. No one believes him, not even his parents. David must find a way to stop the aliens and save his town before it's too late.
In The Second Arrival, a reporter gets involved in a race against time as she investigates a global-warming conspiracy and the arrival of aliens disguised as humans. With the help of advanced alien technology, she unravels the truth and uncovers a plot to destroy the world using a black hole bomb.
When an alien race invades Earth, a small village becomes a battleground as a group of survivors fight against the creatures and their enslavement. With the help of a wise doctor and an astronaut, they must find a way to escape and defeat the aliens.
In H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds (2005), Earth is invaded by extraterrestrial beings who launch a devastating attack on humanity. As cities crumble and chaos ensues, a group of survivors must find a way to fight back and save the world from total destruction.
In a dystopian future, Earth is invaded by aliens from Mars. A group of scientists must find a way to defend their planet and save humanity from extinction.
In 'Mission Galactica: The Cylon Attack', humans find themselves engaged in a fierce battle against alien invaders. Set in outer space, the movie depicts an epic space mission as the humans fight to protect their planet from a devastating space invasion. With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, brave space marines and starships come together to launch a daring assault against the alien life forms. This action-packed movie is a must-watch for fans of sci-fi and space adventures.
When a killer robot from outer space lands in Chicago, it wreaks havoc on the city while a group of survivors try to find a way to stop it.
In a fictional war, the ship captain of Star Command is faced with a space invasion and the threat of mass extinction. With laser battles, exploding ships, and a snow-adventure on a distant planet, the captain must navigate political turmoil and their own dark past to save the day.
In Battle of the Worlds, a group of scientists races against time to save Earth from an impending disaster. As they observe increasing radioactivity and changes in climate, they discover that an asteroid is heading towards Earth. With the help of a spaceship and advanced technology, they embark on a mission to stop the asteroid and protect the planet. Along the way, they encounter flying saucers, a Mars base, and a race against time. Will they be able to save Earth from destruction?
In Starship Invasions, a dying alien race invades Earth with the intention of conquering and annihilating humanity. A group of humans, led by a brave scientist, must fight back and save the world from doom. Set in a futuristic backdrop, this low-budget sci-fi movie showcases a galactic war filled with explosions, space battles, and violent encounters. Can they prevent the extinction of the human race?