In Transformers: Armada, two factions of alien robots, the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, crash-land on Earth and battle for control of a powerful energy source called the Mini-Cons. As the war escalates, humans become involved and must choose sides. The fate of both Earth and Cybertron hangs in the balance.
Star Trek: Picard follows the journey of Jean-Luc Picard, a retired Starfleet officer, as he navigates his way through a new chapter in his life. Set in the 24th century, Picard finds himself drawn back into the world of space exploration and adventure, facing old friends and new enemies along the way.
Set during the Clone Wars, the TV show follows the adventures of various characters, including clone troopers, Jedi knights, and Sith lords, as they engage in battles and missions across the galaxy.
Star Wars: Droids is an animated TV show that follows the adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO as they navigate through the galaxy, encountering various creatures, battling the Empire, and exploring different planets. The show is set in the Star Wars universe and features a mix of action, adventure, and comedy.
An alien spaceship is being sought by various factions on Earth. A female cyborg and a rogue trader team up to stop evil forces from taking over the ship.
Thumb Wars: The Phantom Cuticle is a comedic sci-fi adventure that parodies popular space opera films. The story follows a reluctant hero who must rescue a princess and battle against an evil empire with the help of a ragtag team of characters. Filled with high-tech gadgets, alien encounters, and plenty of humor, Thumb Wars is a laugh-out-loud spoof that will entertain audiences of all ages.
A short comedy film that utilizes claymation to parody Star Trek, Star Wars, and Terminator, among other things.
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