The Guardians of the Galaxy, including Star-Lord, Drax, Rocket, Mantis, and Groot, engage in spirited shenanigans while trying to celebrate Earth's Christmas. They embark on a mission to find actor Kevin Bacon as a Christmas present for Star-Lord, but things don't go as planned. In the end, they decorate Knowhere for a Christmas party and exchange presents, with Mantis revealing that she is Quill's sister, bringing joy and a heartwarming moment to the Guardians.
Over the Moon is an animated adventure movie about a young girl named Fei Fei who builds a rocket to travel to the moon in order to prove the existence of the Moon Goddess. With the help of a talking pet rabbit and a friendly frog, Fei Fei embarks on a magical journey filled with love, loss, and the power of imagination.
Space Dogs is a hilarious adventure movie that follows the journey of two stray dogs, Belka and Strelka, as they are sent into outer space by the Soviet Union. The dogs face numerous challenges including training, weightlessness, and a mission to rescue a lost cosmonaut. With the help of a savvy psychologist and a brave cat, Belka and Strelka must navigate the dangers of space and make it back home safely.
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