Space Force is a workplace comedy that follows the story of the newly formed United States Space Force and their comedic misadventures as they aim to establish a military branch focused on space exploration. Led by four-star general Mark R. Naird, the team faces various challenges and obstacles as they navigate the complexities of space exploration, international relations, and personal relationships. With a satirical and comedic approach, the series explores the absurdity of bureaucracy and the race to establish a presence in space.
In the year 2105, a group of inexperienced and quirky space travelers stumble upon a portal that transports them to an alternate universe. Now, they must find a way back home while dealing with various adventures, alien attacks, and high-concept comedy.
Four escaped lab rats voyage on a mission to find life beyond Earth.
Olympus: A Retrospective tells the behind-the-scenes story of the 70s British Sci-fi sensation, The Olympus Chronicles. Watch the full series now on YouTube!
When the crew of Red Dwarf stumbles upon a cat civilization on a desert planet, they must navigate an evil gang leader, a computer upgrade, and an existential crisis while trying to save their new feline friends.
An aspiring scientist and a musician, both peculiar by nature, set out on an ambitious trip to Mars.
Burlesque meets science-fiction, when a peepshow stripper has a close encounter of the voyeuristic kind.
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