One Fine Day is a heartwarming film that follows the lives of Melanie and Jack, two divorced parents who are struggling to balance their careers and their responsibilities as single parents. When their children miss a school field trip, Melanie and Jack are forced to work together to take care of their kids for the day. As they navigate the challenges of parenting, they also discover a growing attraction between them. Will they be able to overcome their differences and seize the opportunity for love? Find out in this charming and funny movie.
When a beloved postal worker and her pen pal finally decide to get married, they must overcome various obstacles and navigate the complexities of wedding planning. With the help of their friends and family, they learn the true meaning of love and commitment.
A Christmas Switch (2018) follows the story of identical twin sisters who switch lives for the Christmas season. One sister is an ambitious attorney while the other is a Christmas fanatic who dreams of becoming a singer. As they experience each other's lives, both sisters learn valuable lessons about love, family, and the true meaning of Christmas.
Reeling from a break-up, professional over-planner Gwen pitches in to help put the finishing touches on her best friend’s wedding. But when she's teamed up with best man Josh, a free-spirited nature guide, she finds that pulling together this wedding might not be as easy as she thought.
After saving 10-year-old Jack from an attempted kidnapping, Casey Wright (Sarah Roemer) is hired by Jack's famous father - "the" Sam Austin (Jon Prescott) - to be Jack's home-school teacher. Casey is quickly swept up in Sam's celebrity lifestyle but when things heat up between the two, Casey becomes the target of Sam's crazed stalker.
A workaholic architect in Seattle goes on a blind date only to discover that the man she meets is her husband, who arranged the surprise as part of their 15th wedding anniversary celebration. As they spend the day together, rediscovering their love for each other, they face various obstacles and surprises along the way, including a hurricane, a batting cage mishap, and a helicopter tour. In the end, they renew their wedding vows and end the day with a heartfelt kiss.
When a housewife's family cancels their vacation plans on Mother's Day, she finds herself with a day to herself. She decides to make the most of it by indulging in a spa day, karaoke, and a trip to a resort. Along the way, she reflects on her role as a mother and discovers the importance of self-care.
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