In 1961, Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet pilot and cosmonaut, becomes the first human to go into space aboard the Vostok 1 spacecraft. This biographical drama follows Gagarin's journey from his early days as an airforce pilot to his historic space mission, highlighting the risks he took and the obstacles he faced. It delves into the intense competition between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War era, as both nations raced to achieve significant milestones in space exploration.
Chapayev is a thrilling war movie set during the Russian Civil War. It follows the incredible life of Vasily Ivanovich Chapayev, a brave and respected Red Army commander. As the leader of a small unit, Chapayev fights against the White Army and Cossack forces, displaying remarkable bravery and tactical skills. The film depicts the hardships of war, the loyalty and camaraderie among soldiers, and the struggles faced by the Red Army in their fight for the Bolshevik cause.
The film is based on the biography of Valeri Chkalov (1904 - 1938), a Russian pilot, who set several long distance flight records. Chkalov and his co-pilots Baidukov and Belyakov together had accomplished several non-stop long-distance flights. In June of 1937 Chkalov set the world record, covering 12000 kilometers in 63 hours of non-stop flight from Moscow to Vancouver, Washington, flying over the North Pole.
In 1961, the Soviet space program successfully launched the first manned mission to outer space, making a significant leap in space exploration. This documentary explores the journey of the pioneering cosmonaut and the challenges faced during this historic spaceflight.
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