The Legend of Boggy Creek is a pseudo-documentary horror film that tells the story of the Fouke Monster, a legendary creature said to inhabit the swamps of Arkansas. The film follows the experiences of the local residents and focuses on the encounters and sightings of the mysterious creature. With dramatized reenactments and interviews, the movie explores the legend and the fear it instills in the community.
The expedition for the Kiamichi beast up into the mountains was a tedious journey. For over 200 years the Kiamichi beast has roamed Arkansas, the Indians say he would raid the camp and steal the children. Now adays the locals are afraid to enter the woods at night. The howl’s coming from the woods are enough to make even a big man shake
Master Hughes returns to face a dangerous Bigfoot in the Kiamichi Mountains. The locals want this legend buried to be kept a secret.
When cousin Biff is slaughtered by the Beast in the woods . and a trail of death follows. His kin and friends go looking for him. Only to find they are facing a beast that terrorizes the night. Richard wants vengeance and finds the beast is more powerful that he thought.
In this program Jay Michael postulate a theory that sightings of "Bigfoot" in the south may be actual encounters with apes that somewhere in antiquity made their way into the United States.
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