The Green Berets is a war drama film that focuses on the actions of the Green Berets, a special forces unit, during the Vietnam War. It portrays the challenges and dangers they face as they carry out their mission in a hostile environment. The movie is known for its controversial and propagandistic portrayal of the war.
In the Year of the Pig is a documentary film that explores the Vietnam War, featuring interviews and footage from various sources. It delves into the political and military aspects of the conflict, as well as the impact on the Vietnamese people.
The American War is a documentary film that explores the Vietnam War and its effects on the United States. Through interviews, archival footage, and historical analysis, the film delves into the fall of Saigon, the Vietnam War, the Vietcong, the US Army's involvement, torture, the My Lai Massacre, guerilla warfare, and the experiences of veterans and the South and North Vietnamese.
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