The film is set in the 1920s. Shura Sevastyanov is an aspiring journalist in a small newspaper, with two-classes of a parochial school behind him. In the spirit of building communism, he is an ardent fighter against philistinism in all its forms. He denies the phenomenon of love, believing that it does not exist and that there is only friendship and sexual desire of man to woman.
During the Civil War, a long time friends Ilya, Tanya and Tevdore decide to find the treasure, which is hidden by the counter revolutionists. After many precarious efforts the disguised friends manage somehow to penetrate the enemy’s camp and attend their leadership’s party. Tanya enchants the enemy Commander Kleshchuk and gets hold of the key of his apartment. The friends steal the treasure, baffle Kleshchuk’s pursuit and return the treasure to the government.
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