Cry Freedom is a powerful drama based on the true story of Steve Biko, a black activist, and his relationship with a white journalist, Donald Woods. Set in the 1970s during the height of apartheid, the film explores themes of racial discrimination, social injustice, and the struggle for human rights. When Steve Biko is killed by the South African security police, Donald Woods risks his life to expose the truth and fight for justice.
Apartheid Did Not Die is a gripping documentary that explores the enduring legacy of apartheid and the journey towards freedom and reconciliation in South Africa. The film delves into the history of apartheid, highlighting the political oppression, racism, and human rights violations that characterized this dark period. From the democratic election that marked the end of apartheid to the establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the documentary offers a comprehensive overview of the post-apartheid era. It also sheds light on the realities of poverty, mining industry, and foreign investment in South Africa, showcasing the challenges that the country faces in its quest for development and social justice.
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