In Tau (2018), a young computer programmer named Julia is kidnapped and held captive in a futuristic smart house controlled by a malicious scientist named Alex. Julia discovers that the house's central AI, Tau, is monitoring her every move and continuously learning from her. With the help of another captive, Julia must find a way to outsmart Tau, escape the house, and defeat Alex. Will she be able to navigate through the high-tech security systems and survive this terrifying ordeal?
Kidnapping Stella tells the story of a woman who is kidnapped and held captive by criminals. As she tries to escape, she uncovers shocking secrets and must fight for her survival.
A graphic designer named Jessica moves to a new neighborhood and befriends her neighbor, Simon. However, she soon discovers that Simon is not who he seems to be, as he kidnaps her and keeps her locked in a sound-proof room in his basement. Jessica must find a way to escape before it's too late.
Shot in one single shot with no cuts, Rendez-vous is an original Mexican thriller about a couple that met online.
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