The Stag is a comedy-drama movie set in Ireland, where a groom-to-be named Fionan reluctantly agrees to have a stag party camping trip with his friends. As the group embarks on the adventure, they face various hilarious and unexpected challenges, including a tent on fire, wedding planning mishaps, and a series of misadventures involving drugs and nudity. Through it all, the bonds of friendship between the men are tested and strengthened. The movie explores themes of masculinity, friendship, and the complexities of relationships.
Marina is a biographical drama film based on the life of Rocco Granata, a Belgian singer and accordionist of Italian descent. The movie follows his journey as an immigrant and his struggle against xenophobia. Marina explores themes of love, music, and the challenges faced by immigrants in a new country. It showcases Rocco's rise to fame as a musician and his experiences navigating different cultures.
A songwriter who deferred his dreams to support his family gets a second chance when his 10-year-old daughter, Gracie, secretly enters his name into a song writing contest/reality show.
After a bad breakup, Eve is transported back in time to the Christmas season of 1996. She gets a second chance to relive her childhood and fix her mistakes, including finding true love.
The story revolves around 3 best of friends. Kara, the cosplayer and online retailer. George the boyish football wannabe, Enzo, the Mr. Fix-It
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