A ruthless loan-shark enforcer in South Korea discovers a mysterious woman claiming to be his long-lost mother, leading him down a path of revenge, brutality, and shocking revelations.
Beta is a 1992 Indian Hindi drama film directed by Indra Kumar and produced by Indra Kumar, Ashok Thakeria. Beta is the story of Raju, the only child of a widowed multi millionaire. Raju's father can provide him anything he wants but Raju's only desire is to get mother's love, in order to please Raju, his father gets married to Nagmani, thinking that she will take care of Raju more than his real mother would. Raju becomes completely devoted to his stepmother, doing whatever she wishes. Time passes by, Raju grows up and gets married to Saraswati. Saraswati discovers that Nagmani's motherly love for Raju is fake and all what Nagmani is interested in, is capturing Raju's wealth.
An apartment on one of Rome's seven hills turns into a film studio for shooting three different stories about cocaine.
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