Sweet Thing tells the story of two siblings who navigate their chaotic lives filled with an alcoholic father, friendship, and coming-of-age experiences. Set against a backdrop of black-and-white cinematography, the children deal with challenges such as breaking and entering, hospital visits, and even a child driving a car. Despite their hardships, they find solace in their guitar, drinking, and the beach. The film also explores themes of pedophilia, police involvement, and the complex relationship with their father. Through it all, they discover the power of love, resilience, and the importance of family.
In 1890s London, a hedonistic painter named Dorian Gray makes a Faustian bargain to trade his soul for eternal youth. As he continues to live a life of debauchery, his portrait ages and becomes a hideous reflection of his sins, while he remains eternally young and untouched by the passage of time. The painting becomes a symbol of his moral decay and the consequences of his actions.
In the midst of the Great Depression, a baroness holds a music contest in her brewery to find the saddest music in the world. As contestants compete for the prize, the competition becomes a source of personal and romantic conflicts, leading to absurd and dark comedic moments.
Putney Swope is a comedy film from 1969 that satirizes the advertising industry and tackles racial issues. The story follows the unexpected rise of the token black man, Putney Swope, who becomes the chairman of a major advertising agency after the death of its leader. As Putney takes charge, he turns the agency upside down with his unconventional ideas and challenges the status quo. The film explores themes of race, power, and the absurdity of the advertising world.
Keyhole is a crime drama film directed by Guy Maddin. The story revolves around a man who returns to his childhood home to confront his past and rescue his wife from a gangster. Along the way, he is faced with various surreal and erotic experiences.
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