A motion comic based on the popular Metal Gear franchise, Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel delivers a thrilling action-packed story of Solid Snake's mission to stop a rogue special forces unit from launching a nuclear strike.
Solid Snake is tasked with infiltrating a marine tanker, discovering a new weapon known as Metal Gear RAY. As the story unfolds, the protagonist faces numerous obstacles and encounters familiar characters from the video game series.
A fan film based on the popular video game series Metal Gear Solid, featuring the iconic character Solid Snake and his mission to stop a supernatural being and the shady organization known as Philanthropy.
Project: Snake - Low Budget Espionage is an adventure comedy spoof movie released in 2006. It is based on the video game character Solid Snake and is a fan film produced by X-Strike Studios. The movie parodies the Metal Gear series and follows the humorous escapades of Snake in a low budget setting.
MGS: Philanthropy - Part 2 is a short film that continues the story of Solid Snake, the main protagonist from the popular video game series Metal Gear Solid. Packed with intense action and a compelling storyline, it brings the world of Metal Gear Solid to life in a unique and thrilling way. The film explores themes of espionage, betrayal, and the fight against a powerful secret organization known as Philanthropy. As Solid Snake faces deadly enemies and uncovers shocking secrets, he must use his skills and wit to save the world.
An advanced tank is stolen by a terrorist group and an elite soldier, Solid Snake, is dispatched to retrieve it.
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