In the year 1985, a space mission to repair the Salyut-7 space station takes a tragic turn when the crew faces numerous challenges, including a punctured spacesuit, malfunctioning equipment, and limited oxygen. As they struggle to survive in zero gravity, tensions rise and secrets are revealed.
Four engineers- Aaron, Abe, Robert, and Phillip, work on a project to reduce the weight of objects. They discover that their device is actually a time machine. Abe builds a larger time machine and they begin using it to make money in the stock market. However, their experimentation leads to comatose states and the appearance of Thomas Granger. Abe tries to stop his past self from using the machine, but Aaron reveals he has control and has been manipulating events. The two continue to use the machines to change the past and create multiple versions of themselves. Brain damage occurs due to excessive time travel. Aaron plans to tamper with the machines to prevent their original selves from using them, while Abe remains to interfere with their doubles. The movie ends with the construction of a large box.
The Elementary School is a touching film that takes place in a small Czech town during World War II. The story follows a group of children and their dedicated teacher as they navigate the challenges of war, love, and growing up. With themes of friendship, sacrifice, and resilience, the film beautifully captures the innocence and spirit of childhood in a time of turmoil.
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