David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet is a biographical documentary film that showcases the life of David Attenborough and his journey to witness the devastating impact of humanity on our planet. Attenborough shares his personal experiences and insights into the destruction of habitats, loss of biodiversity, and the urgent need for action to address the climate crisis.
In a post-apocalyptic world where aliens have invaded and nearly annihilated humanity, a young scavenger named Sarah and her younger brother Tom must hide and fight for survival. They seek shelter in an abandoned farm, where they attempt to stay out of sight and avoid the patrolling aliens. As they struggle to survive, Sarah forms a strong bond with her brother and learns the importance of protecting family. Meanwhile, they discover a solar collector that could potentially provide them with a renewable energy source and hope for a better future.
Taking us behind the scenes with NASA's high-stakes Webb Space Telescope, The Hunt for Planet B follows a pioneering group of scientists - many of them women - on their quest to find another Earth among the stars.
A documentary about a house Dennis Weaver built/had built in Colorado. The concept was created by Michael Reynolds and his headquarters are in Taos, N.M. It is an off-grid house built with earth-rammed tires and other recycled materials.
An advanced alien civilization builds a simulated reality where infinite beings, including humans, are imprisoned.
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