Tulsa is a gripping drama that takes place in the 1920s during the oil boom in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The story follows a strong female protagonist who finds herself caught in a romantic rivalry between two oil barons. As the oil industry thrives, she must navigate the greed, ambition, and betrayal that surround her. Along the way, she encounters native American land owners, environmental impacts, and a race against time to save the town from a devastating oil field fire.
This documentary explores the role of rivers in American life during the 1930s. It touches upon various aspects such as dam construction, poverty, land erosion, and the impact on different communities. Through a combination of propaganda and real-life footage, the film sheds light on the challenges faced by those living along the rivers and the efforts made to address them.
Think Global, Act Rural is a documentary that explores the consequences of industrial agriculture, focusing on issues such as economic inequality, pesticide use, soil degradation, and the exploitation of farmers. The film highlights the importance of sustainable and organic farming practices.
This short film describes how Chris Musser of Spring Run Farm in York County, Pennsylvania has adopted soil conservation practices--contour farming in particular--to preserve and improve soil fertility and increase crop yields on his family's farm. The increased crop production also benefits a nation at war.
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