Set in the 1930s, 'The Great Debaters' follows the journey of a debate team from a small African-American college challenging the racially segregated debate teams of larger and predominantly white universities. Inspired by the true story of Melvin B. Tolson and his Wiley College debate team, the film chronicles their struggle for recognition and equality in a divided society.
A young law student at Harvard Law School named Hart works hard to keep up with the demanding curriculum. As he navigates the competitive environment, he forms a close bond with a respected professor and grapples with the pressures of his studies. Along the way, he falls in love, faces sexism and rivalries, and learns valuable lessons about himself and the legal profession.
Socrates, a philosopher in ancient Athens, is accused of treason and condemned to death. He chooses to drink hemlock, thus sacrificing his life for the pursuit of knowledge and the freedom of speech.
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