Louder Than Bombs follows a family as they navigate the aftermath of the death of their wife and mother, who was a war photographer. The father, a high school teacher, and his two sons are left struggling to come to terms with their loss and reconnect with each other. The film explores themes of grief, mental illness, and family relationships.
Venus in Fur is a drama film based on the play by David Ives. The story revolves around a playwright-director who is searching for an actress to play the lead role in his adaptation of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch's novel Venus in Furs. As he auditions actresses, he becomes intrigued by a mysterious and seductive woman who seems to embody the character perfectly. The audition quickly turns into a power game of seduction and dominance, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.
21 Ways to Ruin a Marriage is a romantic comedy about a sociology graduate student who is conducting research on marital problems. The protagonist, a young sociologist, finds herself getting involved in different situations that could potentially ruin her own marriage. With themes of love, divorce, and commitment issues, the movie explores the complexities of relationships in a humorous way.
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