This documentary drama explores the impact of homework and education on children, highlighting the societal pressures, dysfunctional systems, and corporal punishment in schools. It sheds light on the challenges faced by students in a fear-driven and oppressive society, while also addressing the effects of the Iraq-Iran war and religious study. A story of anger, impatience, and illiteracy against a backdrop of societal pressure and fear.
In the early ‘70s, in Argentina, a group of homosexuals decided to confront the status quo. With testimonies from its survivors as its denouncement source, Sex and Revolution brings back the voices of those who thought in order to be recognized as political actors in a society that wasn’t prepared for them.
An anarchist group in the 90s made up of former soldiers, guerrillas, paramilitaries and victims, call themselves “How to train fighting cocks”, the group tired of the evil that consumes humanity and inspired by the essay Civil Disobedience of Henry Thoreau.
Pegah Ahangarani sets out on a one woman manhunt for Masoud Dehnamaki.
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