Les Misérables (2019) is a gripping crime drama set in a Parisian suburb where tensions run high. The film explores themes of police brutality, revenge, and social inequality. It follows three police officers as they navigate the volatile neighborhood, grappling with their own moral dilemmas. A powerful and thought-provoking movie with a thrilling narrative.
Seduced and Abandoned is a movie that explores the repercussions of seduction and abandonment. Set in Sicily, the film delves into the lives of four sisters and their experiences with social violence, domestic violence, and the fear of scandal. With elements of satire comedy, the story follows a 15-year-old girl who becomes pregnant and deals with the shame and humiliation caused by her cheating fiance. The movie touches on themes of family honor, gossip, and the consequences of telling lies. It also portrays the patriarchal society and the Catholic Church's influence in Sicilian culture. Through captivating scenes and dialogues, Seduced and Abandoned showcases the complexities of relationships and the consequences of one's actions.
Sorry We Missed You follows the life of a working-class family in the gig economy. The father becomes a delivery driver to escape the constraints of traditional work, but quickly realizes the harsh realities of the job. As the family navigates financial problems, debt, and the strain on their relationships, they find themselves questioning the cost of pursuing the American Dream.
In Sicily, during the 1970s, a powerful mafia don threatens a family's unity by forcing a young woman into a marriage with his own son. The family faces poverty, violence, and social struggles, leading to a dramatic climax.
Clash is a suspenseful and intense film that takes place in Cairo during the Egyptian revolution. It tells the story of a group of diverse individuals who find themselves trapped inside a police truck amidst the violent street riots. The film explores themes of social violence, political opposition, and the clash between different ideologies.
In Marseille, a young prostitute named Shéhérazade falls in love with a recently released prisoner. As their relationship develops, they navigate the dangerous and violent world they live in.
Nocturama follows a group of young terrorists as they plan and carry out a series of bombings in Paris. The film explores their motivations, the aftermath of their actions, and the societal consequences of their violence. Set against the backdrop of a department store, the protagonists navigate the chaos of the night, blurring the lines between terrorism and rebellion.
The Best Job in the World is a comedy-drama movie that takes place in 1990s France. It follows the story of a middle school history teacher who transfers to a junior high school in a Parisian suburb. The teacher faces various challenges, including dealing with a gang of students, racist slurs, social violence, and accusations of pedophilia. The movie explores themes of racism, education, and the complexities of teaching in a multicultural society.
Sand Storm tells the story of women in a patriarchal society, focusing on the themes of arranged marriage, sisterhood, and social violence. It explores the challenges faced by women in a traditional and conservative community in Israel.
Gloria Mundi is a drama film set in Marseille, France. It follows the story of a working-class family struggling with poverty and social violence. The film explores themes of social status, individualism, and the desire for success. The protagonist, a taxi driver, works multiple jobs to make ends meet, while his ex-convict brother-in-law gets involved in illegal activities. The plot unfolds as the family finds themselves caught in a web of egoism and struggles to break free from their circumstances.
Sieranevada follows a family gathering in a small apartment in Bucharest, Romania. The film explores various themes such as family dynamics, political tension, and social violence. The plot unfolds in real-time as the family deals with arguments, suspicions of adultery, and a nervous breakdown. As the dinner progresses, secrets are revealed and tensions rise, leading to a dramatic climax.
A shocking documentary that explores the rampant violence in America, including murder sprees, gun violence, and political crimes. It delves into the dark side of American society, highlighting issues of racial hatred, social violence, and political murder.
Silent Night is a dark comedy that takes place on Christmas Eve, following a dysfunctional couple as they navigate their way through various chaotic and humorous situations. From family gatherings to social violence, this couple experiences a series of unexpected events that test their relationship and sanity.
Cairo 6,7,8 is a thought-provoking drama that delves into the lives of three women in Cairo, each facing their own unique challenges and struggles. The film tackles sensitive topics such as sexual harassment, rape, and societal pressures, and offers a gripping narrative that explores the complexities of life in a modern Egyptian society.
Ombline, a 20-year-old woman, is sent to prison for three years after committing a violent assault on a police officer. Just when she has lost all hope for the future, she discovers that she is pregnant. The law allows her to rear her newborn for the first 18 months of its life, after which time the child must be given up and placed into state care. Ombline has no intention of surrendering her beloved little boy and is prepared to do anything to convince the authorities that she is capable of rearing the child after she has left prison. As her maternal instincts assert themselves, the young woman finds she has a cause worth fighting for, and an opportunity to rebuild her shattered life…
The story of a young man of the working class, who has grown up practically an orphan due to his father’s repeated jailings for anarchistic activism. Struggling with life in 19th-century Italy, Metello Salani is determined to change his situation for the better - but love, marriage and politics complicate things considerably...
Menahem Lang, an actor with an extraordinary singing voice, returns to Bnei Brak, the city in Israel where he grew up and a center of ultra-orthodox Judaism. Now in his 30s, Lang left the city at 20, following years of rape and sexual abuse by elder, devout family men in the community. Yet, Lang was far from being an isolated case: his conversations with other abused young men document a cycle of sexual predators and tormented lives.
In the months following the terrorist attacks in Paris, the youth have seized the nights, looking for a sense of belonging in a world they have ceased to understand. Seeking to change the rules, led by new faces, driven by their values and ideals, they open a new dialogue, challenge the state and are getting ready for a new kind of revolution.
Regis Sauder returns to his childhood pavilion at Forbach. Thirty years ago, he fled this city to build against violence and in the shame of his environment. Between demons of extremism and social determinism, how do those who have remained? Together, they weave individual and collective memories to question the future at a time when fear seems stronger than ever.
Young Algerian journalist Nedjma is investigating Islamic accounts of paradise. She is particularly interested in the descriptions used by Salafi preachers to recruit young Algerian men as jihadists. She and her colleague Mustapha find a number of disturbing, richly embellished video sermons and decide to explore the phenomenon in more detail.