Over the Edge is a coming-of-age drama that follows a group of teenagers in a suburban community in the 1970s who rebel against the monotony and expectations of their middle-class lives. Frustrated with their parents, school, and the lack of opportunities, they turn to rebellion, drugs, and violence. The story takes a dark turn when their actions escalate and lead to tragedy.
The Company She Keeps tells the story of a female ex-convict who is trying to turn her life around with the help of a female parole officer. As they navigate the challenges of rehabilitation and societal judgment, a romantic rivalry emerges, leading to self-sacrifice and unexpected twists. Set in Los Angeles, the film explores themes of love, social differences, and the power of redemption.
The Wild Ride follows the story of a teenage rebel who gets involved in a crime spree, including dangerous car races, betrayal, and murder. He finds himself in deep trouble as he navigates through the world of psychotronic films, forbidden love, and police officers. The movie explores themes of adolescence, rebellion, and revenge.
Five Star Final follows the story of a tabloid newspaper's crime reporter who is assigned to investigate a high-profile murder case. As he delves deeper into the story, he faces ethical dilemmas and must confront the exploitative nature of his profession. The film explores themes of sensationalism, social commentary, and the impact of tabloid journalism on society.
Fabulous animals bathed, rested and had fun on the summer beach of the southern town. Suddenly, the rest was interrupted by an urgent message on a hanging poster: "Everyone needs to vaccinate vaccinations from elephant to fly!". However, all the animals, having read the message, as if nothing had happened, began to rest, dance and sunbathe again. And only Behemoth, worried, began to ask everyone how scary and painful it was to vaccinate.
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