Somos. (2021) is a TV show based on a true story revolving around a tragic event in Mexico. It explores the social issues in Latin America and delves into the dark world of drug cartels and crime in the region. The series presents a gripping narrative that sheds light on the complexities of the criminal underworld and the impact it has on individuals and society.
In the near future, in a dystopian Brazil, a black man and a black woman find themselves targeted by a racist and oppressive government. As they struggle to survive and resist, their relationship becomes a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of oppression and intolerance.
'Second Call' focuses on the resilience stories of teachers and students in a complex public education system. After some time off from teaching, Lúcia Helena returns to the classroom, now giving night classes to teenagers and adults. Along with other three teachers and the principal, she faces institutional adversities and the lack of appreciation without flinching. The conflicts involve both the faculty and the student body and, in this scenario, Education emerges as a hope, reminding everyone that it is never too late to have a second chance.
Larissa competed for the Rio Military Police in search of the ideal of “protecting the citizen”.
Behave is a gripping documentary that delves into the Brazilian prison system and explores the social and crime issues in Rio de Janeiro and Southeast Brazil. The film provides a stark and thought-provoking portrayal of the challenges and complexities faced by inmates and the society at large.
Since 2015, the Landless Workers Movement has been occupying an indebted sugarcane factory's land to press for its redistribution through land reform. Grandma, P.C. and their encamped fellows struggle to conquer a small share of land where they can settle down and live a self-sustainable life, growing agro-ecological crops in a newly knit peasant community they draw in their dreams.
In Justiça, Maria Ramos puts a camera where many Brazilians have never been – a criminal courtroom in Rio de Janeiro, following the daily routine of several characters. There are those that work there every day (public attorneys, judges, and prosecutors) and those that are merely passing through (the accused).
A Bruddah's Mind is a thought-provoking drama set in Northeast Brazil. The film follows the story of an Afro-Brazilian high school student who becomes involved in the local occupy movement in response to rampant corruption and police abuse. As he navigates the challenges of his own education and the social issues plaguing his community, he begins to draw inspiration from the activism of the Black Panthers. This compelling directorial debut sheds light on racism and social issues in Brazil.
The film gets into the underworld of crimes involving homophobia, soccer organized fans, and gangs in Sao Paulo city. It shows the team’s work routine of DECRADI, the only unit specialized in this field, as they search for people who have made hate speech into cruel murders.
With the stories of Aline Souza, Elaine Torres, Eulária de Jesus, Liane Pereira, Loanda Rufino and Rosimeire Miranda, the special highlights the protagonism of mothers in the favelas of Brazil.
Histories of Hunger in Brazil (2018) is a documentary that delves into the social issues and Brazilian history related to hunger in the country. It provides a detailed account of the struggles faced by the population, as well as the underlying causes and potential solutions. Through interviews, archival footage, and expert analysis, the film sheds light on the importance of addressing this critical issue.
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