In 'Safe,' a suburban housewife in 1987 Los Angeles begins to suffer from an unexplained illness. As her condition worsens, she becomes convinced that she is being poisoned by her environment and seeks refuge in a health retreat. However, her search for safety and answers only deepens her isolation and paranoia.
In Rose: A Love Story, a vampire living in a cabin in the woods forms a relationship with a stranger, leading to a tragic romance. The film explores themes of love, death, and the struggle between humanity and the vampire nature.
Lord Cyril Wimborne, a barrister, divorces his wife, Myra, and takes custody of their child, Kenyon, when he finds her name linked with the profligate Major Pollock. Myra goes into seclusion while Pollock, intending to conceal Myra's innocence, goes to Burma. A few years later Myra sees Kenyon in the park with Mrs. Debenham, a widow with designs on Wimborne. Noting the resemblance between the lady in the park (whom he calls his "princess") and a photograph of his mother, Kenyon invites Myra to dinner at a time when his father, who has curtailed the visits to the park, plans to be away. At the same time Harold Courtenay, an old family friend, sees an opportunity to reunite the estranged couple.
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