The Hunger: The Story of the Irish Famine is a documentary that explores the devastating events of the Irish famine in the 1840s. It delves into the causes and consequences of the famine, including the mismanagement of resources and the mass death that occurred. The documentary also highlights the humanitarian crisis and the impact it had on Ireland and its people. Through powerful storytelling and historical accounts, The Hunger sheds light on one of Ireland's darkest periods.
Civilization unravels as the nation is gripped by a widespread economic catastrophe. Without market distribution, supplies dwindle, and the truth of human nature is revealed when the thin veil of order as we know it is stripped away in the absence of authority. Two young brothers find themselves orphaned in a world where the rules of society are superseded by the need to survive. Forced from their home, 14-year-old Luke must protect his young brother from looters, gangs, hunger, and 1,200 miles of wilderness which stand between them and safety. Luke and Scott face heartbreaking decisions and ethical questions as they struggle to find the will to keep each other going.
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