In a future where robots are commonplace, a lonely young girl befriends a highly advanced robot. Together, they uncover a dangerous conspiracy that threatens their city and must find a way to stop it.
Pieces of April follows April Burns, a young woman who invites her estranged family for Thanksgiving dinner in her apartment. As April struggles to cook the big meal, her family deals with their own personal issues and the challenges of getting to her apartment. With a dying mother, a rebellious sister, and a father who is constantly belittling her, April's Thanksgiving becomes a chaotic yet heartwarming event.
A man named Ernie Mott lives in the slums of London, taking care of his sick mother. He falls in love with a woman named Ada and is torn between his love for her and his duty towards his family. As he becomes involved in a theft, he must make a decision that will change his life forever.
Lucy, a woman with intimacy issues, navigates through personal growth and romantic relationships while facing challenges and discovering her true self.
A self-employed lorry driver is determined to find the criminals responsible for hijacking him.
British television film starring Martin Kemp
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