When a young pig named Wilbur befriends a spider named Charlotte, she helps him escape his fate as a Christmas ham. Together, they work to save Wilbur's life and teach the value of friendship and compassion.
In 'The Incredible Shrinking Woman,' a woman named Pat Kramer starts shrinking after being exposed to a combination of household chemicals. As she continues to shrink, Pat faces various challenges and societal issues. She becomes a media sensation and deals with the consequences of her shrinking size. Eventually, Pat discovers that a big corporation is responsible for her condition. With the help of her scientist husband, Pat sets out to expose the corporation's unethical practices and find a way to return to her normal size.
Mickey leads an 8-piece orchestra (that's counting the bass played by three birds as one) through the most recognizable parts of the Poet and Peasant Overture. The setting, as the title implies, is a barnyard, and some of the instrumentation reflects that (including various animals used as instruments, like a tuned group of piglets whose tails Mickey pulls).
When a young orphan boy befriends a lonely Vietnam veteran, they bond over building a soap box derby car and finding a new sense of family.
Oswald the Rabbit enters an airplane race with a makeshift aircraft and ends up riding a dachshund lifted into the air by balloons. Meanwhile, his peg-legged rival tries to cheat his way to victory.
The story of an 11-year-old girl from a poor rural community who dreams of becoming a racing driver.
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