In the action thriller film, 'Cold Blood,' a contract killer embarks on a mission to track down a mysterious woman hiding in a snow-covered hunting lodge. Set in Washington State, the killer faces dangerous obstacles and unexpected twists as they navigate the treacherous terrain and try to uncover the secrets of the woman's identity.
A retired police detective pledges to catch a serial killer before his retirement party, but his obsession with the case leads him down a dangerous path of paranoia and self-destruction.
When a snow beast starts attacking the residents of a small town, a father must protect his family and unravel the mystery behind the monstrous creature.
In North Norway, a man embarks on a road trip filled with alcohol, unexpected encounters, and a search for his unknown son, while battling his own social anxiety and mental breakdown.
A lawyer travels to her hometown in Northern Sweden to investigate a murder case involving a severed hand and a ritual murder. As she digs deeper into the secretive Christian sect of her town, she uncovers dark secrets and unexpected connections.
A little girl gets separated from her teddy bear and is inconsolable.
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