The Witches is a 1967 anthology film that explores the lives of women, with a focus on their desires, struggles, and relationships. Set in Austria, the film takes place in a snowy ski chalet and follows various storylines involving neglected wives, bored housewives, widows, prostitutes, and more. Through a series of comedic sketches, the film delves into themes of marriage, infidelity, sexuality, and societal expectations. The stories intertwine in a witty and playful manner, offering a humorous exploration of the female experience.
Two married couples, Doris (Helen Chadwick) and John Manning (Gayne Whitman) and Clara (Dorothy Revier) and Herbert Bradley (Ray Ripley), each separate as a result of domestic arguments. After certain misunderstandings and false accusations, peace is returned on the home front.
A bored couple on holiday give shelter to a drifting young couple who appear on the doorstep of their house.
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