Big Break is a British game show based around the game of snooker, mixed with traditional game show elements. It was broadcast on BBC1 between 30 April 1991 and 9 October 2002. It influenced a later game show for the network called Full Swing, but based around golf, and itself was in part influenced by ITV's long-running darts quiz Bullseye.
The Rack Pack is a docudrama about the rise and fall of snooker's bad boy, Alex Higgins. Set in the 1970s and 1980s, the film explores Higgins' meteoric rise to becoming a world champion, his self-destructive behavior, and his eventual downfall due to alcoholism and personal demons. It delves into the intense rivalries, the excessive lifestyle, and the rollercoaster of success and failure that defined Higgins' life.
Meet your new history teachers, snooker legend Ronnie O'Sullivan and sports broadcaster Matt Smith, as they cross the pond to explore America’s 300 year history with the game of pool. The real-life mates travel the US to hunt down America’s most notorious pool hustlers while meeting a few characters along the way
A harmonicist, a pool player, and his old assistant get invited as entertainers at a fancy dinner party but have to wait in the lobby for what seems like forever. They witness all sorts of absurdities as the party goes on and guests loosen up.
Documentary about notorious British and Irish wildmen Richard Harris, Peter O'Toole, Oliver Reed and Keith Moon and their excesses and exploits.
'Seventeen Days in The Crucilble' marks the 25th anniversary of the Dubliner Ken Doherty becoming world champion in 1997. It's now been a quarter of a century since the Ranelagh native held off dominant champion Stephen Hendry in a gripping final that was one of the most-watched sporting events involving an Irish person of the 1990s.
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