Idlewild is a movie set in the 1930s and follows the lives of Percival and Rooster, two friends working at a club called Church. Percival dreams of becoming a pianist, while Rooster is involved in criminal activities. Their lives take a dramatic turn when they get entangled in love, betrayal, and redemption.
The Magic Christian is a satirical black comedy film based on the novel of the same name. It follows the adventures of Sir Guy Grand, an eccentric billionaire who enjoys playing elaborate practical jokes on people. With the help of his adopted son Youngman Grand, they set out to expose the hypocrisy and greed of society. The film uses surreal and psychedelic elements to highlight its satirical message.
In 'Hog Wild,' Laurel and Hardy are tasked with fixing a radio antenna but end up causing chaos with their clumsiness. From falling off a roof to getting set on fire, their misadventures lead to hilarious consequences.
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