Flower & Snake is a dark and erotic thriller set in Tokyo, Japan. The story revolves around a woman who is drugged and forced into a world of bondage, sadomasochism, and violence. She must navigate the dangerous and unpredictable underworld of organized crime, all while dealing with her own regrets and desires. As she struggles to regain control of her life, she uncovers a web of deceit and corruption that reaches the highest levels of society.
A girl gets a DVD entitled Terror Toons for her birthday. Meanwhile, "cartoon" characters Hansel and Gretel wander into the house of a witch who poisons them, but instead of dying, they transform into an ugly gigantic-headed psycho and a giant rat, respectively. After the girl plays the DVD, Hansel and Gretel are sucked into the real world through her TV and wreak havoc. —christianmellinger55
An angel was cast out of heaven and dispatched to Earth 1400 years ago. The angel was made a slave of the devil and was sent forth to terrorize mankind. To rid the world of this evil threat a "device" was erected to imprison the angel. Now the "device" is about to open. The Ceremony must be performed to keep the angel imprisoned or evil will rule the Earth.
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