Dagashi Kashi is a TV show that follows the story of Kokonotsu Shikada, the son of a candy store owner, who is determined to become a manga artist instead. However, his plans are disrupted when Hotaru Shidare, a self-proclaimed confectionery expert, visits his father's store with the intention of recruiting him to take over the family business. With her eccentric personality and love for all things sweet, Hotaru brings excitement and chaos into Kokonotsu's life, making him question his dreams and the future of the candy store.
Invader ZIM is an animated TV show about an alien named ZIM who is sent to Earth by his leaders, the Almighty Tallest, with the mission to conquer it. However, ZIM is not very bright and his plans always backfire. With the help of his loyal robot sidekick GIR, ZIM tries to blend in as a human and carry out his evil schemes, but he often gets caught up in absurd situations and meets resistance from various characters, including his schoolmate Dib, who is determined to expose him. The show combines elements of sci-fi, comedy, and dark humor to deliver an entertaining and unique viewing experience.
Granutes are intelligent lifeforms that operate secretly in the human world. They kidnap people for the sake of "Black Market Sweets." As people are attacked one after another by the Granutes, Shoma, a young man from another world, rises up to save the people. Together with the Gochizo, small monsters born from eating sweets, he transforms into Kamen Rider Gavv with a mouth-like belt!
Welcome to SNACK WORLD! This is a nutty universe filled with dreams and adventures. Here, you can find everything from dragons to smart devices to Chup, the hyperactive hero of this story.
The film follows a 17-year-old boy who navigates various challenges during his summer vacation at a lake, including a nose job, a part-time job, and a budding romance.
In a post-apocalyptic world all the people are eating junk foods. Except Trish. Trish is different.
Diagnosed with colon cancer, a free-spirited embarks on a illuminating road trip with his son through South Africa
A harried propman backstage at a theater must put up with malfunctioning wind machines, roosters that spit nitroglycerine, and a gang planning to rob the theater's payroll.
A progressive elementary school's "parenting class" takes an unexpected dramatic turn.
Half-baked? Wholly sober? Entertaining some friends tonight? Just plain bored? You need I've Got Munchies, NYC’s “HIGH”larious cooking and comedy show featuring late-night snack worthy recipes, unruly sketches, puppets, animation and more. The series combines the seriously E-Z cooking ideas (Pop Tart Sandwiches, Candy Sushi) of puppet Mary Jane with some of the best improv performers in Manhattan for a half hour of the weirdest, funniest and most groundbreaking comedy that the city has to offer.
A girl and two boys watch a movie together in an apartment. The sexual tension between them is obvious, with the girl and the boy fighting for attention, as it gets to a point of explosion. Who will take the first step?
A giant monster attacks the city and only the Sonic Warriors can save it.
Every day, at the same time, Antonio and Santi have a strange conversation. Three women are witness to it.
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