Rescue Me (2004) is a dark comedy TV show set in New York City that follows the life of a firefighter who struggles with guilt, alcoholism, and post-9/11 trauma. As he deals with the aftermath of 9/11 and the emotional toll it takes on him, he also navigates the challenges of being a firefighter in a dangerous city. The show explores themes of addiction, divorce, and the complex relationships firefighters have with their families and each other. With its unique blend of humor and drama, Rescue Me offers a compelling look at the life of a firefighter in the 21st century.
Feast is a grindhouse horror film that follows a group of people who find themselves trapped in a remote bar, fighting for their lives against a horrifying monster. The film combines absurd violence with dark comedy, creating a unique and terrifying experience.
Unstoppable is a comedy-drama TV show that follows the adventures of a group of friends on an unforgettable road trip. Filled with laughter, tears, and unexpected twists, this show explores the ups and downs of life and friendship.
Kate, a 37-year old woman wakes up after being in a coma for 18 years. Her boyfriend, Pete, from her younger days is with a new woman who bears an uncanny resemblance to Kate. Many of her friends have also moved on with their lives. But when she finds out that her comatose body was discovered near the lifeless body of a kid named Brian near a woodshed, her memories of that fateful night are triggered and the truth begins to surface.
Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber is a comedy movie that tells the story of a manipulative woman who stops at nothing to climb the social ladder. With themes of love, manipulation, and ambition, the movie showcases the antics of the protagonist as she navigates her way through San Francisco's high society.
Chain of Fools is a comedy crime movie that revolves around a botched robbery and the comedic consequences that follow. The story involves a group of eccentric characters, including a love-struck barber, a stolen treasure, a detective, and a female agent. As the plot unfolds, the audience is taken on a hilarious and unpredictable journey filled with twists and turns.
Jiminy Glick, an overweight and clueless interviewer, travels to the Toronto International Film Festival to cover the red carpet. However, amidst the glamour and glitz, he becomes entangled in a murder mystery that involves celebrities and the film industry. With his signature smoking and inside jokes, Jiminy must navigate the world of Hollywood to solve the case.
Two bad women fight over one man in a back-stabbing, money-grabbing, insurance-hustling, double-dealing, two-timing caper.
"Bulldog in the Whitehouse" takes political satire to obscene new heights: portraying the Bush administration as a cabal of lustful and traitorous gay men who are too busy having sex to notice the empire crumbling down around them. An explosive and darkly comic adaptation of Choderlos de Laclos' novel Dangerous Liaisons, the film's web of sex and deceit centers on Bulldog, a hustler who seduces his way into the Washington press corps to gain access to the halls of the political elite. At the bidding of his puppet master, a corpulent and power mad Karl Rove, Bulldog engages in manipulative trysts with Whitehouse hotties like the demure press secretary, the religious leader and the confused, imbecilic good ol' boy president himself.
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