Art School Confidential is a comedy drama that follows a talented art student named Jerome as he enters art school and navigates the challenges of becoming a successful artist. Along the way, he encounters various characters including a serial killer, a nude model, and a prostitute. Jerome struggles with teenage crushes, sexuality, and the pressure to conform to the art world. The movie explores themes of love, competition, and the pursuit of artistic excellence.
Virile Games is a dark comedy horror film that follows a group of football hooligans who find themselves trapped in a terrifying game where they must fight for their lives. As the group gets picked off one by one, it becomes clear that there is something much more sinister at play. With its blend of slapstick humor and gruesome violence, Virile Games is a unique and entertaining take on the horror genre.
At the end of the 1990s the Internet comes to Northern Norway and coincides with the sexual awakening of young Mads (12). The introduction of pornographic images into his life complicates his relationship with his parents, and their house becomes a minefield filled with uncomfortable interactions.
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