Wild Mountain Thyme is a romantic comedy that takes place in rural Ireland. The story revolves around a land dispute between two neighboring farmers, who also happen to be star-crossed lovers. As they navigate through the challenges of their complicated relationship, a long-held family curse, and the complexities of their family farms, they find love and redemption in unexpected ways.
Toast is a 2010 movie that tells the story of Nigel, a 9-year-old boy growing up in the 1960s, who develops a passion for cooking amidst the turmoil of his family life and the challenges of adolescence. The movie explores themes of nostalgia, family relationships, and coming to terms with one's identity.
An alcoholic is returning home from a night of partying and encounters the homeless Pink Panther in a park. He invites the panther to come and stay with him. But he has a wife who disapproves of him bringing in any guests. So, he has to keep the Pink Panther hidden, which tends to be rather painful for the hapless panther.
An alley cat spies a high-class female cat on her balcony and falls for her. Her butler sends the family bulldog to deal with the alley cat, but the cat's too clever.
Roland is a flower child; Rattfink is "a weed." Roland keeps growing, picking, and sniffing flowers; Rattfink keeps attacking Roland, but the attacks either fail or backfire. Among the gags: As Roland plays the harp, Rattfink tries to discourage him by drumming. When that fails, he inverts the drum to reveal a beehive; the bees attack, the harp strings send Roland back into a fountain, and the bee-stung Roland still presents Rattfink with a flower. Rattfink air-drops a bag of flour on Roland; the resulting cloud of flour engulfs RF's plane, and he crashes into a building. Finally, Roland is in a jam session; Rattfink paints a can of nitroglycerine to look like a drum, but slips on a banana peel and explodes. Roland puts a flower on his grave; Rattfink's ghost hurls it at Roland.
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