The Young Stranger follows the story of a 16-year-old boy who faces various challenges including estranged family relationships, high school drama, and his own rebellious nature. He finds himself caught in a political pressure-filled situation that leads to an altercation and a need for self-defense. As he goes through these experiences, he learns important life lessons about reconciliation, personal growth, and the value of family.
A former boxer known as Old Leather Face opens a nightclub called the Zoo, which does not do a good business. A group of homeless teenagers want to rent the place and start what they hope will be a profitable business, but a gang threatens to shut it down. Old Leather Face accepts the teenagers offer and becomes involved with trying to help them succeed.
The true-life drama about a handicapped Baltimore woman living on welfare who organized a sandlot baseball team and ended up coaching more than 50,000 boys and girls over nearly 40 years.
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