Superman: The Animated Series follows Clark Kent, a humanoid alien with supernatural powers, as he protects the city of Metropolis from supervillains and other threats. With the help of his friends, including Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen, he battles against the likes of Lex Luthor and other villains. The series showcases the dual identity of Superman, as he navigates life as a mild-mannered reporter and fights crime as the Man of Steel.
An alien child is evacuated from his dying world and sent to Earth to live among humans. His peace is threatened when other survivors of his home planet invade Earth.
Superman: Man of Tomorrow follows the early adventures of Superman in Metropolis and his encounter with a dangerous bounty hunter known as Lobo. As Superman tries to protect the people of his city, he must also navigate his budding relationship with Lois Lane and uncover the secrets of his own alien origins. With thrilling action sequences and high-stakes battles, this animated movie explores the superhero's journey towards becoming the protector of Metropolis.
Superman, a humanoid alien with superpowers, fights crime and defends the Earth against both human and alien threats while disguising himself as Clark Kent, a mild-mannered reporter for the Daily Planet.
Superman faces off against a fanatical group of superheroes known as The Elite, who believe in using lethal force to eliminate villains. As The Elite gains popularity, Superman must prove that his values of truth and justice are worth fighting for.
Two college students spend a long hard day in the desert they will never forget.
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