The Trouble with Girls is a comedy movie set in a small town in the 1920s. It follows the story of a small-town sheriff who faces various challenges, including dealing with alcoholic behavior, organizing a talent show, and addressing workers' rights. The movie also explores themes of friendship, justice, and romance.
In Littlerock, a Japanese girl and her brother find themselves stranded in a small town in America after their car breaks down. As they wait for repairs, they experience the local culture and form connections with the residents, leading to unexpected experiences and personal growth.
A woman who has been married and divorced five times comes back to her small hometown, where she proceeds to complicate, and potentially destroy, the marriage of her childhood boyfriend.
A paint store owner turns his attention to civic affairs while his business falls apart.
A vicious murderer is on the loose and the entire city is on edge. It's the perfect evening to lock the doors and have a night at home with some friends. But what happens if one of the guests you've invited, is in fact the brutal killer that the city is fearing? House Guest is a tense thriller that locks you inside the doors of the Murphy home, where new relationships are formed, a Father and Son bond is tested, and a Brother and Sister struggle to stay alive.
A small town drugstore owner (Jed Prouty) hopes to strike it rich by investing his savings in an oil well. Comedy.
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