Land of Hope is a drama set in rural Finland in the 1940s and 1950s. It follows the lives of a war veteran, his wife, and their struggles to rebuild their lives after the war. The movie explores themes of love, gender roles, family dynamics, and the impact of war on individuals and society.
It follows a year in the life of a family in the North-Eastern part of Finland. From the gloomy days of winter to the Mid Summer wedding festivities.
Here, Beneath the North Star is an epic movie set in Finland during the turbulent years of the Finnish Civil War. It follows the story of a small farmer's family and their struggles against oppression and inequality. The movie depicts the harsh realities of class conflict and the fight for social change.
Think Global, Act Rural is a documentary that explores the consequences of industrial agriculture, focusing on issues such as economic inequality, pesticide use, soil degradation, and the exploitation of farmers. The film highlights the importance of sustainable and organic farming practices.
Based on a true story about the so called 1932 Horse Rebellion in Nivala, Finland. The decision to put down a sick horse owned by a poor farmer rises the farmers in open rebellion against the authorities.
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