In this Looney Tunes Christmas movie, Daffy Duck, Foghorn Leghorn, and the rest of the gang have a change of heart after encountering the spirit of Christmas. In a snow-filled adventure, they travel back in time to meet the Ghost of Christmas Past and learn the true meaning of the holiday.
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck are selling fictional books that contain famous stories involving various Looney Tunes characters. They encounter different characters and get involved in humorous situations.
Speedy Gonzales' lethargic cousin, Slowpoke Rodriguez, comes to visit Speedy's hacienda, to the delight of Sylvester Cat, who is confident he will be able to catch Slowpoke for dinner.
Mexicali Shmoes is a surreal Looney Tunes short film featuring the cat-versus-mouse rivalry between Speedy Gonzales and Sylvester. The cartoon takes place in Mexico and involves dynamite, anthropomorphic animals, and a slowpoke Rodriguez character. It is a slapstick comedy filled with hilarious moments and unexpected twists.
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