Set in the 1910s, King of Devil's Island tells the story of a reform school on a remote island in Norway. The school is known for its brutal methods and operates under oppressive conditions. The movie follows the revolt of the teenage inmates against the harsh treatment they endure. The revolt escalates into a violent showdown between the young boys and the authorities, highlighting themes of abuse, rebellion, and survival.
Stray is a documentary film that follows the lives of stray dogs in Istanbul, Turkey. The film explores the relationship between the dogs and the city's inhabitants, particularly a Syrian refugee and a group of security guards. It delves into themes of urban life, compassion, and resilience.
Two high school boys from different social worlds experience romantic feelings for each other. Edmar, a high-performing Filipino student, and Pili, a Native Hawaiian student-athlete, learn that navigating self-growth and teenage love in Hawaiʻi is as complicated as their understanding and love for Hawaiʻi and it’s ever-changing cultural landscape.
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