In the romantic comedy film 'Plus One', Ben and Alice, two college friends, find themselves attending several weddings together in a single summer. As they navigate the world of wedding rituals, relationship problems, and awkward encounters, they realize that they may have more in common than they thought. With humor and emotion, 'Plus One' explores the complexities of friendship, love, and commitment.
David Norton, a psychiatrist, attends a jazz concert and receives a mysterious note on a mirror. He becomes entangled in a series of events that lead him to a remote island where he is trapped in an experiment called 'The Kovak Box'. David must solve clues and navigate through dangerous situations to uncover the truth about the game and save himself.
After a plane crash in the Himalayas, a group of people find themselves in the hidden paradise of Shangri-La, but soon realize that leaving this utopia may be more difficult than they anticipated.
During a magic show, a British World War Two veteran is framed for murder and gets involved in espionage.
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