Action is a dark comedy TV show that portrays the controversies and depravity within the Hollywood movie industry. It follows the story of an amoral protagonist, a former prostitute turned screenwriter, and their troubled production experiences. It satirizes the non-PC humor, sleazy producers, spoiled actors, ditsy actresses, and the overall dark side of Hollywood. With pop culture references, name-dropping, and bleeped dialogue, Action offers a deep dive into the world of Hollywood's amoral underbelly.
Eurotika is a Channel 4 documentary film on European exploitation cinema. The documentary is similarly themed to Pete Tombs's book Immoral Tales: European Sex and Horror Movies 1956-1984. During the 1960s and 1970s, European low-budget films went kinky, emerging as a new type of cinema that blended eroticism, surrealism, horror, and over-the-top atmospherics.
An Alan Smithee Film: Burn, Hollywood, Burn is a comedy movie released in 1997. The film follows a Hollywood director whose movie turns out to be a disaster. As a result, he experiences a mental breakdown and faces the cruel ironies of the industry. The story revolves around creative differences, business negotiations, and the challenges faced by filmmakers in the Hollywood movie industry.
Mondo Macabro is a British television series based on the book of the same name by Pete Tombs. Written and directed by Pete Tombs and Andrew Starke, the series focuses on cult cinema from countries not usually associated with genre product. The series consists of eight twenty-five-minute episodes and was broadcast on Channel 4 in 2002.
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