Meet the Hollowheads is a dark satirical comedy set in a futuristic dystopian world. The Hollowheads are a middle-class family who live in an underground bunker, trying to survive the absurdities of their daily lives. The father, Mr. Hollowhead, is an abusive boss at his job, while the mother, Mrs. Hollowhead, tries to maintain a dysfunctional family dinner. Their son and daughter navigate the challenges of living in a society filled with sleazy bosses, sexual predators, and bizarre creatures like an alien dog and a parasite. The film explores themes of social satire, family relationships, and the human struggle in a dystopian future.
In the poor neighborhood, a group of street performers tries to make a living while dealing with a sleazy boss. Their friendship and determination are tested when they face the need to make sacrifices for the sake of their dreams.
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