Roots is a compelling television miniseries that follows the story of an African-American family and their struggles through slavery, emphasizing the themes of racism, family, and freedom. Set in the 18th and 19th centuries, the series explores the harsh realities of slavery, the cruelty inflicted upon slaves, and their fight for liberation.
Mu-kwang volunteers to be a kitchen police of Sa-taek, the divisional commander, dreaming of success. One day, Mu-kwang meets Su-ryeon by chance, who is a young and beautiful wife of the commander. Soon, he feels a strong attraction by her.
Tracked down and traded as lesbian slaves- what does the future hold for the beautiful women who are prey to The Slave Huntress and her depraved sapphic desires? Can they escape her prison of young women before being sold to the highest bidder?
Sally Hemings: An American Scandal is a historical drama miniseries that explores the complex and controversial relationship between Sally Hemings, a slave, and Thomas Jefferson, the President of the United States. Set in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the story delves into the struggles, affection, and hardships faced by Sally Hemings as she navigates her relationship with Jefferson, the father of her children, while also confronting the realities of slavery and racial discrimination.
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