Kiss & Tell is a comedy-drama movie set in Paris, which follows a series of events involving police searches, pepper spray, scratched car paint, adultery, and more. The story revolves around a second marriage, with clothes being ripped off and a male prostitute and transgender character being involved. Other elements include a laundry service, hurt feelings, a trailer, soft-boiled eggs, and a husband leaving his wife. The movie also explores the relationship between a godmother and her goddaughter, as well as teen pregnancy, a birthday, a 17-year-old protagonist, a fitness gym, a paranoid man, being fired from a job, tax evasion, a bar manager, a cheating husband, school, an extramarital affair, and throwing a phone into water.
Josie, a mysterious woman, moves to a small town and catches the eye of a loner teenager named Hank. As rumors and speculations about her past spread, tensions rise in the town. Hank becomes intrigued by Josie and forms a bond with her, but their relationship attracts unwanted attention and threatens to expose dark secrets.
Cold Weather follows a former forensic science major and aspiring detective who becomes embroiled in a mystery when his ex-girlfriend goes missing. Together with his sister and a friend, they must use their skills to crack the code and find her.
From MGM's "Crime Does Not Pay" series. Mobsters convince a meat packing company employee to help them hijack a truckload of beef.
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